Like free stuff, a good time, and food? Come out to E-WEEK, the week for engineers. Details are below:
*****DAY 1 Feb22*****
-11am-3pm - Kick Off Fair @ Engineering Plaza
*For those of you in ESOs, the competitions will be there ;)
-12pm-1pm & 1pm-2pm - Lip Dub
-6pm-8pm - EngiTECH Prep night @ Colloquia
*Need some resume help? Wanna sharpen up your talks with the recruiters? Meet us at the Colloquia and we'll be sure to give you a hand!
*****DAY 2 Feb23*****
-9am-11am - Dean's Breakfast @ Engineering Plaza
*Professors are great at being adults. Adults are great at making a good meal! Start your day with a meal prepared by the faculty and staff of UCI's Engineering department and -some thing interesting goes here-
-12pm-2pm - ESO Competitions @ Engineering Plaza
*Think your ESO is the best? Come find out! We'll have events for you to face off against each other.
*Individual events will be announced soon!
*****DAY 3 Feb24*****
-9am-3pm - EngiTECH Career Fair @ Student Center
*Unlike previous years, it will be hosted at the STUDENT CENTER
*For more information, please check out this other facebook event:
*****DAY 4 Feb25*****
-11am-2pm - E-WEEK BBQ @ Engineering Plaza
*Food, food and MORE FREE FOOD. We'll have burgers and chips just for you.
*Did I mention, free food?
*****DAY 5 Feb26*****
-6pm-9pm - Awards Banquet @ Newkirk Center
*Admission cost: $10 for a 3 course meal
*Wondering who won the ESO competitions? You'll find out here!
*Feel free to nominate your favorite professors, grad and undergrad students through a survey at this link:
*Tickets will be sold by Engineering Hall week 7
*Check out the event page here for more details:
*****DAY 6 Feb27*****
*11am-2pm - Softball/Basketball Games @ Gabrielino Fields
More information on the
website of the event.