SOARing Through Finals

UCI Student Outreach And Retention (SOAR) Center
Irvine 92697
December 07.
Los Angeles
Why join?

Starting December 7, the SOAR Center will be giving out free exam m...

Starting December 7, the SOAR Center will be giving out free exam materials during finals week. This includes scantrons and bluebooks. We will also be providing free snacks throughout the day. (*While supplies last*) Don't forget that the SOAR center is also a study space!

Hours of Operation:
Monday to Thursday (9am-9pm)
Friday - December 19 (9am-5pm)

- Each person is allowed a maximum of one each PER DAY(Bluebook, F-158 Scantron, F-288 Scantron).
- In regards to taking refreshments, please be mindful and take what what you need.
- Respect your surroundings as your peers may be studying.
More information on the website of the event.


UCI Student Outreach And Retention (SOAR) Center
Irvine 92697, 106 Gateway Study Center


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