Personal Finance with Carey Nachenberg

Boelter 4760
February 17.
Los Angeles
Why join?

If you're a recen...

If you're a recent (or soon-to-be) CS grad, have lined up a job, but have no idea how to save/invest your money, come listen to Carey Nachenberg!

You've read the article (, now's your chance to ask questions or learn more about particular topcis in detail!

Here is a list of potential topics to be covered:
Vote on the poll below for what you'd like to hear about!

0. Review the article and answer questions
1. 401Ks (Regular/Roth)
2. IRAs
3. Load vs No-load mutual funds
4. Stock vs Bond funds
5. RSU shares, ESPP shares
6. Buying a house
7. Taxes and how they work (state, federal, exemptions, etc)
8. Other?
More information on the website of the event.


Boelter 4760


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