CSUF KASA - Korean American Student Association - 한인 학생회
We have launched the official KASA Facebook group! Welcome and this group is open to anyone who has interest in Korean's and our culture. 한국에서 오신 유학생분들도 환영합니다!
Mission Statement: The Korean American Student Association at CSUF is dedicated to providing a fun environment for students who are interested in learning about Korean American culture. We help spread the awareness of our community through language, food, and history. We provide social, cultural, and community events so our members can network and build lasting friendships. We connect students with other KASA's through the (scKcSA)Southern California Korean College Students Associations - Chongdae system. We also provide a Korean Culture Night, where our members showcase their talents and appreciation for the constantly evolving Korean American culture.
KASA Board of 2014-2015:
President: Donald Park
Co-President: Andrew Harrison
Vice President: Hannah Kim
Secretary/Historian: Eli Shand
Treasurer: Ashli Phan
Event Coordinator: Jocelyn Reyes
Event Coordinator: Lupe Rivas
Philanthropy Chair: Phong Doan
Publicity Chair: Jimmy Bui
Student Adviser - Jung Bahk
Faculty Adviser- Eliza Noh
Email: kasacsuf@gmail.com
Donald Park: (619) 929-9614
Andrew Harrison: (949) 422-9146