UCLA Regents Scholar Society

Los Angeles
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Year of establishment
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Leadership, Scholarship, & Service. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter: @uclarss, and check out our website, http://www.rssla.org

The Regents Scholar Society at UCLA is a academic and social society created for those who have been awarded the Regents Scholarship, the highest award that can be bestowed upon an incoming undergraduate at UCLA. Its function is to:

1. Promote academic excellence amongst the recipients of the scholarship
2. Provide community service opportunities for those who wish to take advantage of them
3. Foster interpersonal growth amongst Regents Scholars at UCLA
4. Offer resources and guidance to incoming Regents Scholars
5. Facilitate interaction between Regents Scholars across all University of California campuses

All current Regents Scholars at UCLA are eligible for membership in the society, and there are no entrance requirements save the receipt of the scholarship.

Our awesome members

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