Judaism For All!

University Interfaith at UC Irvine
Irvine 92612
November 18.
Los Angeles
Why join?

You don't need to be a Jew to be Jew-ish!

Ever wondere...

You don't need to be a Jew to be Jew-ish!

Ever wondered...
What is Kosher?
How do Jews keep Shabbat?
Do Jews believe in Heaven and Hell?
Relationships and Intimacy in the Jewish perspective?

Judaism is one of the only religions that does not seek converts. You are perfect the way you are! Judaism does have universal messages that relate to everyone, and can positively impact your life. Learn the Torah's messages that can be applied to your life. No questions will be turned away!

Meet Rabbi Zevi for a Coffee and Conversation :)
More information on the website of the event.


University Interfaith at UC Irvine
Irvine 92612, University Interfaith Foundation PO Box 6030


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