FALLing For Shabbat!

The Rohr Chabad at UC Irvine
Irvine 92612-6602
December 04.
Los Angeles
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Save the date!

This Shabbat, Chabad will be hosting a...

Save the date!

This Shabbat, Chabad will be hosting a special Themed Shabbat DInner! Have ideas for future Themed SHabbats? Send your ideas over to Ashley Rusonik and Lindsey Blenden, our SHabbat Chairs!

As one of our last Shabbats of the fall quarter, we decided to do a fall/autumn theme. This Shabbat will be full of fall favorites! Got a favorite fall dish? Just let us know!

Looking forward to celebrating together!
More information on the website of the event.


The Rohr Chabad at UC Irvine
Irvine 92612-6602, 12 Oxford


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