[HKN] Interview Workshop

UCLA IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu [HKN]
Los Angeles 90095
January 26.
Los Angeles
Why join?

Do you have an interview coming up? Do you want to become an expert...

Do you have an interview coming up? Do you want to become an expert in acing that interview? Please come in to our Mock Interview Workshop presented by the best and most experienced chairs of HKN in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Engineering. We will have a presentation on the general and technical tips of nailing your interview, and you will have a chance to experience a one on one interview with HKN chairs. The spots are limited and on a first come first serve basis, so please RSVP here: http://goo.gl/forms/ZsqcXI2fDk

And like the UCLA IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu [HKN] Facebook page for more posts and updates!
More information on the website of the event.


UCLA IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu [HKN]
Los Angeles 90095


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