3 Day Startup at UCLA - Final Presentation

UCLA Northwest Auditorium
Los Angeles 90024
January 24.
Los Angeles
Why join?

RSVP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kGAfEKX3bN11xnhQhUdhVDqZB9xW...

RSVP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kGAfEKX3bN11xnhQhUdhVDqZB9xWe7ef_IdAAUL3lD8/viewform?c=0&w=1

For those of you that are not participating in the event this weekend, you still have the opportunity to participate! On the final day of the event (Sunday, January 24, 6-8pm) you will have the chance to come and view the final pitches from the 3DS participants at the Northwest Campus Auditorium. The teams will be presenting the startup ideas that they will have worked on for the previous 3 days. There is sure to be some great ideas and entertaining presentations.
After the presentations you will also have the opportunity to network with event mentors and panelists who are experienced entreprenuers and venture capitalists. The event is free so come out and see some of UCLA's great entreprenuerial talent.
More information on the website of the event.


UCLA Northwest Auditorium
Los Angeles 90024, 200 De Neve Dr


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