[ACM AI] Machine Learning Workshop: Part 5

4760, Boelter Hall
February 18.
Los Angeles
Why join?

Ever wondered how Google's self-driving car works? Or how Amazon ch...

Ever wondered how Google's self-driving car works? Or how Amazon chooses which products to recommend?

More importantly, are you interested in Machine Learning? If so, come explore machine learning and it's applications at ACM's weekly machine learning workshop!

Machine Learning: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_learning
Unsupervised Learning: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unsupervised_learning

Bring your laptops! This will be an interactive workshop, meaning that anyone in attendance can code as I provide the examples, and can ask for help immediately. There will be chances to try to code some problems on your own as well, hopefully leaving you with a nice rounded introduction to machine learning, and ready to go for the next workshop in the series.

You'll learn some basic concepts of machine learning and how to apply some unsupervised learning techniques to data in python.

***If you attended the workshops last quarter, you should already have your environment set up***

If you did not attend the first workshop, follow the setup instructions here: https://github.com/abcde13/MachineLearningWrkshp
More information on the website of the event.


4760, Boelter Hall


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