Calling all high school students of all grades! VSU is proud to announce the 31st Annual High School Conference that will be taking place at UCLA on November 21, 2015.
This is a FREE all-day event on UCLA’s campus that will give you a chance to explore what Higher Education is!
Topics that will be covered throughout the day during High School Conference will range from, but are not exclusive to:
· How to apply for financial aid
· Differences in types of higher education (community college vs university)
· What preparations towards higher education students should take in High School
· Why education is such a powerful tool
In addition to these, we will also have workshops that deal with more personal and developmental issues such as:
· Understanding socioeconomic disparity
· Learning about differences in culture between
· Skills for self-expression
· Building self-esteem and self-confidence
There will be an AMAZING tour of UCLA’s beautiful campus, where you will get to learn MORE about what a typical day might be like for a college student.
There will be FREE FOOD provided throughout the day, and you will be able to dine in one of UCLA’s dining halls.
Throughout the entire day, student participants will be placed into a families, comprised of both UCLA student mentors and other High School students! This is a great opportunity to meet other High School Students and collegiate students, and create new friendships!
Following the previous two years’ successful introduction, we invite parents to come up and learn more about the different aspects of Higher Education.
Have your parents ever asked questions such as
· “How can I afford this?”
· “How can this be a good major?”
· “Will this college offer what you need?”
If so, encourage them to join our program! We will answer any and all questions about Higher Education for YOU! No longer will you have to be frustrated with answering questions; we got you covered! And don’t worry, you won’t have to spend the entire day with your parents They will be on a separate schedule from you for the majority of the day.
We highly encourage all High School Students to apply! Here are important dates to keep track of
Friday, November 13th, 11:59 pm:
· The application will be DUE! It is in your BEST INTEREST to submit your application on time.
Wednesday, November 18th
· Students and parents will be notified of their status in regards to the program.
Friday, November 20th, 11:59 PM
· Students, who are accepted or waitlisted, are required to submit an RSVP by this time or else they forfeit their spot!
Saturday, November 21st, 6:30 AM ~ 8:30 PM
· This is the day of the conference! There will be FREE TRANSPORTATION!
High School Conference is an invaluable program that has helped thousands of students! Don’t lose your chance in participating in this program! Apply now! Applications will be due on November 13th! Do NOT miss this deadline!
Application Direct Link:
LINK: http://www.vsubruins.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/VSU-HSC-Application-FirstNameLastName.pdf
For more information, go to our website:
INFO: http://www.vsubruins.com/events/educational/hsconference/
Have questions? We have answers! Check out the Frequently Asked Questions page:
FAQ: http://www.vsubruins.com/high-school-conference-faq/
We hope to see you there on November 21st!
More information on the
website of the event.